Our Foundation

What is the Marlborough Hospice Foundation?
The Marlborough Hospice Foundation (the Foundation) is a charitable trust that exists to secure the future of Hospice Marlborough and associated palliative services in Marlborough.

How does the ‘Hospice Foundation’ help ‘Hospice Marlborough’?
The Foundation accepts donations for a capital fund, the income from which is applied to the operating costs and capital needs of the hospice.

Over time, many supporters will give money to both the Foundation and the Trust. Both organisations help the hospice maintain and develop long-term palliative care within the Marlborough community.

How to Help the Foundation Trust
This can be achieved through Donations, Sponsorships or Bequests. To find out how you can show your support, click here to visit our ‘How You Can Help’ page. To make a donation, click here to download the Hospice Foundation brochure.

Marlborough Hospice Foundation Trust

Graeme Coates- Chairman of the Marlborough Hospice Foundation Trust
Graeme was a founding Foundation Trustee and has been Chairman of the Trust since 2007. Prior to this Graeme was the deputy Chairman of the Marlborough Hospice Trust for three years. Graeme is a Member of the Institute of Directors  and is currently a director of six companies based in the Top of the South. He has formerly been the co Chairman of the Nelson Marlborough Conservation Board and has been the Executive Officer of the Marine Farming Assn since 1998.

Marlborough Hospice Foundation Trustees

Mathew Kerr

Duncan McFarlane

Kay Nalsund

Anthony Plummer

Pauline Wallace