Our Services
Our Hospice services are designed to reflect our community’s needs and our expertise in specialist palliative medicine and care.
In this way our services are much more than the Hospice building itself. They are provided across a number of care settings, in a person’s own home or place of residence, in hospital or in the hospice inpatient unit
Hospice palliative care focuses on caring for the whole person, encompassing their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.
We also provide care and support for family and friends throughout the patient’s illness and after their death in their bereavement.
People may be referred to Hospice Marlborough whilst they are undergoing treatments for their illness not just at for end of life care. In fact this is what we prefer. The sooner we receive a referral the more we can get to know the patient and their family or friends and provide care that is tailored to their individual needs and wishes.
You or your family can self-refer to Hospice palliative care. Please phone 03 578 9492 to discuss your needs and the process involved.
The services we provide are free of charge to patients and their families irrespective of their religion, ethnicity or age.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and in the community we link in with the patients General Practitioner [family doctor] and other healthcare agencies and organisations such as District Nurses or home care providers.
When required, patients can be admitted for specialist palliative care for management of their symptoms [e.g. pain nausea etc.] symptoms, specialist respite care and end of life care.